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  • Ways to Give | UO Foundation

    Ways to Give The generous support of people like you helps to educate students, strengthen our research, and prepare tomorrow’s leaders. There are a variety of ways to support the University of Oregon and gifts of all sizes are a powerful investment in our mission and community. Whether you are making a one-time gift, making a pledge of recurring contributions, considering a planned gift, or establishing an endowed fund, the best giving plan considers both your desire for how and when the university will use the funds and which of your assets best matches those of your financial and/or tax situation. Outright gifts are the easiest and most direct way to give to the University of Oregon. These include credit card, check, money order, electronic funds transfer, securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds), real estate, or tangible property. For some, a direct rollover distribution from their IRA may be the best method for making an outright gift. Gifts will be directed to the Undesignated Gift Fund unless you specify otherwise. Gift Fee The Foundation assesses a 5% gift fee. This fee is transferred directly to the University of Oregon to provide ongoing, essential funds for the university's advancement efforts and emerging priorities. To be effective, fundraising requires financial resources to offset direct operational costs related to soliciting, processing, and stewarding private contributions. Revenue generated by this gift fee helps offset these costs and provides necessary resources to grow constituent engagement and encourage philanthropic support for the University of Oregon. Give Online Giving to the University of Oregon online is a safe and convenient way to support a program or department that you are passionate about. Select a fund from the list provided or enter the fund you would like to support in the space for "additional gift instructions". Give Now Give by Mail Send in a completed giving form with your check to: University of Oregon Foundation Gift Services 1720 E. 13th Avenue, Suite 410 Eugene,OR 97403-2253 Please make checks payable to the "University of Oregon Foundation". Giving Form - Give by Phone If you wish to pay by credit card over the phone, please call Gift Services at 541.302.0300 Monday – Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm PT. Wire Transfer Bank wire transfers are the fastest and most secure way to send cash to the university. Domestic and international transfers originate from your financial institution. If you would like to make a gift via wire transfer, please contact the Gift Services Department at or Administrative Services at 541.302.0300 . Online Wire Transfer Form Gifts of Stocks, Bonds or Other Securities Giving a gift of publicly traded stock may provide greater tax benefits than giving cash. Your broker can assist you in making a gift of stock via a direct transfer to the University of Oregon Foundation. The Foundation has a range of brokerage accounts to accept your gift of securities. To make a gift via stock to our main account, you can download and complete the Stock Transfer Form. If you have questions or need information for our additional brokerage accounts, contact our Stock Gifts team at . Please note that the Foundation cannot send the form to your brokerage firm to initiate your gift. Online Stock Transfer Form Recurring Gifts Recurring gifts are an easy, automatic way to support the University of Oregon with a continuous and dependable source of funding. It is a convenient, customizable, and environmentally friendly method of giving that works with any budget or schedule. You can set up your recurring gift by credit card by visiting our online giving page and selecting "Recurring Gift" under the gift frequency section. Once you have entered your payment information and submitted your recurring gift, the University of Oregon Foundation will automatically deduct gifts from your credit card in accordance with the amount and frequency you selected. Give Now Matching Gifts Your gift to the University of Oregon could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer. Most companies award a 1:1 match, while others elect to provide a larger amount that can triple or even quadruple the value of your donation. Your employer’s personnel office can provide you with information on how to take advantage of your company’s matching gift benefit. Matching Gifts Pledge Commitment A pledge is a signed and dated commitment to make a gift by paying over a period of time. This allows you to spread payments and tax benefits over a period of up to 5 years, which can often allow donors to make a larger commitment. We will work with UO development officers to create a document for you that properly addresses your giving intent. Planned Gifts An after-lifetime or estate gift, also known as a planned gift, might be a good option for your future and the University of Oregon's. There are a wide range of estate gift options that allow you to customize your method of giving, receive potential financial benefits, and provide for loved ones, all while supporting the University of Oregon. Please visit our gift planning page for more information. Additional Resources Recurring Card Authorization Form - Online EFT Recurring Authorization Form EFT Recurring Authorization Form -

  • Give Online | UO Foundation

    Make a difference in the life of a student. Support the university, its programs, and students by donating to the UO Foundation. Mission The University of Oregon Foundation supports the mission of the University of Oregon by receiving, investing, and disbursing private gifts given to the university. As a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, the UO Foundation maximizes private gifts for the university’s benefit in accordance with donor intent. Make a Gift Ways to Give About FAQ What We Do Receive, Manage and Distribute Funds The Foundation’s primary role is to receive, manage and distribute funds. When donors give to the university, the gift is collected by the Foundation, where it is prudently managed until requested by the university for purposes that align with donors’ intent. Learn more about the relationship between the university, donors and the Foundation . Collaboration with University Partners The Foundation collaborates with various departments across campus in a variety of ways, including creation of gift agreements, management of deferred and complex gifts, and stewardship of donor funds for appropriate spending, among others. Trustee Excellence Fund Created in May 2015, the Trustee Excellence Fund is overseen by the Foundation Board of Trustees’ Advancement Committee to support emerging and impactful opportunities at the University of Oregon. The Trustee Excellence Fund promotes academic excellence by issuing awards to university students, staff, faculty and programs based upon evaluation of proposals submitted to the committee. To date, the Trustee Excellence Fund has awarded $863,300 to campus partners in support of academic excellence at the University of Oregon. Make a Gift 2024 Campus Endowment Distributions Gifts made to the UO Foundation have a direct impact on the university that is felt across campus. In fiscal year 2024, the Foundation distributed a total of $42.5 million to the University of Oregon. $15.96 million Student Scholarships $12.29 million Faculty & Research $9.80 million Student Academic & Operational Support $4.26 million Other University Support Celebrating 100 Years A statement from our President & CEO, Paul Weinhold Milestone anniversaries will always draw attention. One hundred years deserves so much more. When I imagine where the Foundation started in 1922, I am struck by the magnitude and importance of the Foundation today. With assets exceeding $3 billion, the University of Oregon Foundation is a meaningful contributor to the financial health and wellbeing of the university, its faculty, students and staff. It is an honor and a privilege to be part of this organization and witness firsthand the impact it has on the University of Oregon. Stewardship is an important theme for our staff. We recognize that each one of us plays a vital role and that our roles are temporary in comparison to the longevity of the Foundation. While today we are celebrating one hundred years of service, we are proud that the Foundation will be here for hundreds of years to come, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we leave the organization in a better place for those who will come after us. Leading with our values of Trust, Integrity, Commitment and Respect in every action and interaction has been integral in remaining good stewards of the assets we manage on behalf of donors and the university. The Foundation is legally separate from the University of Oregon, but we exist to serve the university and its donors. The partnership we share with our colleagues at the university is strong and we are aligned. The financial success and growth of the endowment is due in large part to this incredible partnership, the generosity of our donors and a commitment to helping the university continue on the path of excellence. The Trustees of the Foundation are and have been the organization’s guiding lights. In the years I have been here, the generosity and commitment of Foundation Trustees has been inspiring and we are all grateful for their guidance, passion and support. Like the staff at the Foundation, our Trustees are devoted to doing what is right and making the organization better. I can say with confidence that the ethos present in the Trustees who are currently serving is consistent with those who have served over the last one hundred years. The Foundation is healthy and strong at 100 and the future is very bright for decades to come. I am proud to share this remarkable milestone with you. Thank you for your continued support of the Foundation and the University of Oregon. Paul Weinhold President/CEO

  • Gifts of Securities | UO Foundation

    Gifts of Securities Gifts of appreciated marketable stocks have been considered the ‘best value’ in charitable giving. When you contribute appreciated securities that you have held for longer than one year, in addition to a charitable contribution tax deduction, you are generally able to avoid paying capital gains tax on the increase in value of the assets. We liquidate gifts of stock as quickly as possible to preserve value. The proceeds, minus any broker fees/commissions, are allocated according to donor direction. To make your gift, and to ensure that you receive proper acknowledgement and documentation, please refer to our detailed instructions on transferring the following types of assets: Securities held by broker — electronic transfer Stock certificates you hold — physical transfer We recommend that you consult your tax adviser for more information regarding the gift tax and income tax results of such gifts as they apply to your specific situation. The Foundation does not provide donors with individual tax advice. If you would like to discuss the potential use of your gift of securities, please contact the university development staff member in your area of interest, email University Advancement at or call 541.346.2113 . To make a gift via stock, please complete the Stock Transfer Form and provide your broker with the following information: Charles Schwab & Company, Inc. Operations: (877) 594-2578 DTC #: 0164 Account Name: University of Oregon Foundation Account Number: 8992-3607 If you have questions about transferring securities, or need more information on gifts of mutual funds, bonds or closely-held stock, please contact our Stock Gift team at or call Administrative Services at 541.302.0300 . Online Stock Transfer Form

  • Crypto Donation | UO Foundation

    Back to Gift of Crypto Currency Make a Gift of Cryptocurrency Unsupported Currencies FAQ

  • Securities Held by Broker | UO Foundation

    Back to Gifts of Securities Stock Certificates Held by Broker Electronic Stock Transfers There is a reasonable chance that the Foundation already has an existing account with your brokerage firm. The stock transfer can take place within that firm, from the donor to the Foundation account. If there is no Foundation account set up at the brokerage, then you should ask your broker to transfer stock to one of the Foundation's brokers. Since transfer instructions may change from year to year, be sure your broker contacts us before the transfer is made to prevent any potential problems with the transfer. To ensure proper credit of your gift, please notify us in advance of any electronic transfers of securities by completing the online Stock Transfer Form. The information you provide should include a description of the securities donated, the number of shares of stock or face amount of bonds, your name, address, phone number and e-mail address if available. The gift valuation date is the date that the stock is received in the Foundation's account. Online Stock Transfer Form Questions For more information, please contact our stock gifts team at or call 541.302.0300 .

  • Statement of Ethical Values | UO Foundation

    Back to About Statement of Ethical Values The Foundation is committed to adhering to the highest ethical standards. We are trusted by the University and its donors to carry out our mission, to be good stewards of their resources, and to uphold rigorous standards of conduct. The Foundation must earn this trust every day and in every possible way. We acknowledge that in order to merit and preserve this trust we must maintain a shared commitment to our values of trust, respect, integrity, and commitment, and an expectation of ethical and professional conduct in all of our activities. This Statement of Ethical Values and our Standards of Ethical Conduct articulate our core values and ethical standards to provide guidance for the application of these principles in our daily activities. Trust – Tell the Truth Every encounter amongst ourselves and other customers will enhance the trust placed in us. This customer trust results from our confidence in every employee’s capabilities and intentions. Respect – Be Nice We treat every individual with dignity and respect, recognizing accomplishments and encouraging a healthy work environment. Integrity – Do the Right Thing Our commitment to integrity means that our proactive pursuit of excellence is conducted with honesty and discipline. Commitment – Follow Through Commitment is exhibited through innovation and dedication, allowing us to operate with a vision for long-term success in our mission.

  • Financial Statements | UO Foundation

    Financial Statements The University of Oregon Foundation's most recent audited financial statement and tax return are available as indicated below. For more information, please contact . Audited Financial Reports 2024 Audited Financial Report - 2023 Audited Financial Report - 2022 Audited Financial Report - 2021 Audited Financial Report - 2020 Audited Financial Report - 2019 Audited Financial Report - 2018 Audited Financial Report - 2017 Audited Financial Report - 2016 Audited Financial Report - 2015 Audited Financial Report - 2014 Audited Financial Report - Available Upon Request University of Oregon Foundation IRS Form 990 Tax Return University of Oregon Foundation Supporting Organization IRS Form 990 Tax Return Additional Resources W9 Form - IRS Determination Letter -

  • Privacy Policy | UO Foundation

    Privacy Policy University of Oregon Foundation licenses this website from iModules Software. iModules Software has created this privacy policy statement in order to demonstrate its firm commitment to privacy and to describe the information-gathering and dissemination practices for the web site. This web site may disclose personal information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process involving the web site. Cookies This Web site uses cookies to recognize you and allow you to automatically log in without re-entering your user name and password each time you visit our site. The cookies are encrypted and do not save any personally identifiable information (see the Personally Identifiable Information section below) about you, such as your user name, password or e-mail address. If cookies are disabled in your browser, you can still use the site but you will be required to enter your password each time you visit. This website may use the Google AdWords remarketing service to advertise on third party websites (including Google) to previous visitors to our site. It could mean that we advertise to previous visitors who haven't completed a task on our site. This could be in the form of an advertisement on the Google search page, or a site in the Google Display Network. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on someone's past visits to the Foundation website. Any data collected will be used in accordance with our own privacy policy and Google's privacy policy. Personally Identifiable Information This site's registration form requires you to provide your full name, address, email address, password, gender, city, state, country and zip code. You may also choose to provide optional details, such as maiden name, nick name, birthday, occupation, company, spouse's name, photos, or personal comments. You may update any of this information at any time by accessing your profile by clicking the "edit account information" link, or equivalent, in the navigation menu. You may opt out of receiving email communications from this community (see the "Email Subscription/Opt-Out" section below). Personal Profile Information and Profile Page Your Personal Profile features information you may wish to share with other site members on your Profile Page. Only people who are members of this site can view other members' Profile Page. The only information that is automatically displayed on your Profile Page is your First Name and Last Name. Additional information fields from your Personal Profile information, including comments, and other personal information you choose to share, along with any photos, will appear only if you have opted to provide those items and have also selected to have those fields in your Profile Page View. All member information on the Web site is securely stored and is not sold or transferred to any third parties. Credit Card Transactions Some features of this site enable credit card transactions. These features are completely voluntary to members. They include the purchasing of tickets or merchandise through event stores or donations through the site. The operators of this site would like to assure you that measures have been taken to make such transactions secure for its members. This site utilizes industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) servers to encrypt your information and prevent unauthorized access. In addition, this site participates in the Better Business Bureau Online Reliability Seal Program to further ensure the security of your transactions. The processing of online transactions is done by Bank of America. Shortly after a purchase or refund is processed, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. You are advised to print out and save a copy of the order confirmation for verification necessary to request refunds or resolve any disputes. This Web site guarantees that every transaction will be 100 percent safe. This means you are not responsible for unauthorized transactions posted to your credit card that occur as a result of submitting a credit card number to this site. This site uses industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) servers on our transaction pages. It encrypts all of your personal information including name, address, and credit card number to prevent unauthorized access as the information travels over the Internet. Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50.00 of fraudulent charges. If your bank does hold you liable for any of this $50.00, this site will cover the entire liability for you, up to the full $50.00. This site will cover this liability only if the unauthorized use of your credit card resulted through no fault of your own from transactions made at this site while using the secure server. This is a community site that is based primarily on member input. This site cannot guarantee the accuracy of information presented. However, anyone demonstrated to have engaged in fraudulent behavior may be subject to (but not limited to) loss of privileges as a member as well as face prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. Fraudulent Behavior This is a community site that is based primarily on member input. This site cannot guarantee the accuracy of information presented. However, anyone demonstrated to have engaged in fraudulent behavior may be subject to (but not limited to) loss of privileges as a member as well as face prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. Safe Harbor iModules Software complies with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries. iModules Software has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view iModules' certification, please visit: . Choice/Opt-Out The site provides you with the opportunity to choose to receive updates about this site and the groups you are registered with. This option will be presented to you when you register as a member. If you have already joined, the following options will explain how you can subscribe or unsubscribe to these updates from the site. 1. To sign up to receive e-mail updates or change the frequency of the e-mails, click on the "edit personal info" link and scroll down to the Stay in Touch section to select the frequency. Subscribing to the e-mails allows the site to notify you when fellow members sign up or change their information. They also notify you of news about your community. Please be aware that even if you choose not to receive the update e-mails, if a situation arises that we feel is pertinent for you to be aware of, we will contact you by e-mail to alert you. Email Subscription Opt-Out The site provides you with the opportunity to choose to receive email communications about this site and the groups you are registered with, as well as emails from other members. In all email communications that you receive from this community, except for confirmation emails for event registrations, purchases, donations or other payments, you will be provided and unsubscribe option where you can opt out of the particular type of email communication. You can also modify the emails that you receive at any time by going to your account profile and changing your opt-in status there. Photo, Blog and Other Personal Content Policy This site retains the right to remove or reject any content that it deems obscene or objectionable, or has been reported as such by other members. In addition, the client licensors of the web site can at any time deem content to be objectionable and can remove it from the site. This site does not endorse any content that is posted on the site. Members will not post copyrighted content without permission from the owner. Members understand content whether it be text, graphic or audio visual, is the sole responsibility of the person from which such content originated. This site is no way responsible for accuracy, integrity or quality of such content Photo Content Policy This site retains the right to remove or reject any photo that it deems obscene or objectionable. This site does not endorse any photos that are posted on the site. Members will not post copyrighted photos without permission from the owner. Members understand content whether it be text or graphic is the sole responsibility of the person from which such content originated. This site is no way responsible for accuracy, integrity or quality of such content. What are Photo Albums? Photo Albums allow you to upload and share your pictures with your friends and fellow members. You can also personalize your album by writing captions for each picture. Public Forums This site makes chat rooms and message boards available for every community group featured on the site. Your first and last name will be displayed during chat sessions or when you post something in the message boards. Any additional information you choose to submit in these areas is considered public. To protect yourself from unwanted spam or other unsolicited or unwanted communication, you are advised against providing personally identifiable information, including email addresses, postal addresses and phone numbers. This site does not monitor the chat rooms unless we receive a request to do so by a member via Customer Support. Updates to This Privacy Policy This site has the right to make changes or additions to this policy at any time. If those changes involve using your personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time you joined, the site will notify you by e-mail. Changes that do not affect use of personally identifiable information will be posted to the site. If you have questions regarding this policy, please check this policy periodically or contact Customer Support. Links to Other Sites This site contains links to other sites. This site is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites. Contacting the Web Site If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site or your dealings with this web site, please contact Customer Support . University of Oregon Foundation licenses this online community from iModules, Inc. University of Oregon Foundation has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate its firm commitment to privacy and to describe the information-gathering and dissemination practices for the Web site. This Web site may disclose personal information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process involving the Web site.

  • Member Page | UO Foundation

    We can’t find the page you’re looking for This page doesn’t exist. Go to Home and keep exploring. Go to Home

  • Gifts of Real Estate | UO Foundation

    Gifts of Real Estate A gift of real estate provides a lasting benefit to the university while relieving you of the responsibilities of property ownership/liquidation and generating a charitable deduction and other tax advantages. These gifts could include residences, vacation homes, farms, forest land, commercial property, income producing property, or undeveloped land. Typically, gifts of real estate are sold as soon as practically and prudently possible to meet your needs and directives. Not only can real estate be used to make an outright gift or bequest, but it can also be used to fund a charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity. A trust or annuity can provide you and/or another beneficiary with income for the rest of your life or lives. Ultimately, the remaining value is transferred to the Foundation to benefit the university as you have specified. For more information on using real estate to fund a trust or annuity, or to make a bequest of real estate, please visit University Office of Gift Planning , or call 800.289.2354 or 541.346.1687 . The Foundation evaluates all potential gifts of real estate for marketability and potential environmental concerns. We ask donors to supply detailed information on the property before we accept the gift. All costs of the due diligence process are paid by the Foundation. If the gift is accepted, the donor is separately responsible for obtaining and paying for a qualified appraisal as required by the IRS. For More Information If you have questions about the gift acceptance and due diligence process, call 541.302.0300 or please contact our Gift Services Department at .

  • Statement From President & CEO - mobile | UO Foundation

    Back to Home Page Celebrating 100 Years A statement from our President & CEO, Paul Weinhold Milestone anniversaries will always draw attention. One hundred years deserves so much more. When I imagine where the Foundation started in 1922, I am struck by the magnitude and importance of the Foundation today. With assets exceeding $3 billion, the University of Oregon Foundation is a meaningful contributor to the financial health and wellbeing of the university, its faculty, students and staff. It is an honor and a privilege to be part of this organization and witness firsthand the impact it has on the University of Oregon. Stewardship is an important theme for our staff. We recognize that each one of us play a vital role and that our roles are temporary in comparison to the longevity of the Foundation. While today we are celebrating one hundred years of service, we are proud that the Foundation will be here for hundreds of years to come, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we leave the organization in a better place for those who will come after us. Leading with our values of Trust, Integrity, Commitment and Respect in every action and interaction has been integral in remaining good stewards of the assets we manage on behalf of donors and the university. The Foundation is legally separate from the University of Oregon, but we exist to serve the university and its donors. The partnership we share with our colleagues at the university is strong and we are aligned. The financial success and growth of the endowment is due in large part to this incredible partnership, the generosity of our donors and a commitment to helping the university continue on the path of excellence. The Trustees of the Foundation are and have been the organization’s guiding lights. In the years I have been here, the generosity and commitment of Foundation Trustees has been inspiring and we are all grateful for their guidance, passion and support. Like the staff at the Foundation, our Trustees are devoted to doing what is right and making the organization better. I can say with confidence that the ethos present in the Trustees who are currently serving is consistent with those who have served over the last one hundred years. The Foundation is healthy and strong at 100 and the future is very bright for decades to come. I am proud to share this remarkable milestone with you. Thank you for your continued support of the Foundation and the University of Oregon. Paul Weinhold President/CEO

  • Hours and Office Closures | UO Foundation

    Integrity and good governance are critical to The Foundation's work as fiduciary for donors to the university. Hours and Office Closures The University of Oregon Foundation is open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2024 Planned Office Closures The Foundation will be closed on the following dates in observance of Federal Holidays. Monday, January 1st - New Year's Day Monday, January 15th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day Wednesday, June 19th - Juneteenth Thursday, July 4th - Independence Day Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day Monday, November 11th - Veterans Day Wednesday, November 27th at 12:00 p.m. - Eve of Thanksgiving Thursday, November 28th - Thanksgiving Day Friday, November 29th - following Thanksgiving Day Wednesday, December 25th - Christmas Day 2025 Planned Office Closures The Foundation will be closed on the following dates in observance of Federal Holidays. Wednesday, January 1st - New Year's Day Monday, January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, May 26th - Memorial Day Thursday, June 19th - Juneteenth Friday, July 4th - Independence Day Monday, September 1st - Labor Day Tuesday, November 11th - Veterans Day Wednesday, November 26th at 12:00 p.m. - Eve of Thanksgiving Thursday, November 27th - Thanksgiving Day Friday, November 28th - following Thanksgiving Day Thursday, December 25th - Christmas Day Friday, December 26th - following Christmas Day

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